Friday, February 11, 2011

We've got power

Another week down and lots of changes to the place.

Doesn't seem like much but it was a lot of work to get power up to this house. This held up framing for the day but it's one more (expensive) step taken towards final completion.

Here is the house today. Does it look different?
The kitchen has a roof now! This week the upper floor joists were placed and sheeted.
Quinn didn't want to take the time to put his shoes on this afternoon. Of course his big sister always happy to oblige meeting his every need. Yep...he's spoiled.
 Here is another picture of the garage with the trusses placed and ready to be set on Monday.

The posts were also set for the future front and back decks.

Finally...this weeks design dilemma.

Concrete sink vs. stainless steel

I really like the traditional ceramic craftsman tile but it's a little dark...what about tumbled marble subway tile?

1 comment:

  1. I vote for the concrete sink and the ceramic craftsman tile.
